Customers Love to Order Online
Now, more than ever, accepting online orders is crucial to business success!
eCommerce and Online Ordering have been popular for years, but many merchants have yet to leverage this technology to improve their business. The COVID-19 Pandemic has created an enormous spike in demand for setting up online ordering. The same merchants who are typically hesitant to use online ordering, are now ready to be setup!
Online Ordering for Everyone
Think outside of the box: e|tab can be utilized by many types of businesses!
Although e|tab has been traditionally used in the restaurant space, it has shown great flexibility to help other businesses as well. Businesses such as Liquor Stores, Grocery Stores, and even Farm Stands have implemented e|tab with great success using the platform. In the current COVID-19 environment, curbside and delivery are requirements for may businesses to keep their doors open. e|tab can help businesses do exactly that!
e|tab Online Ordering Works for the Business
Curbside Pickup
e|tab’s new Curbside Pickup functionality requests the customers car color and model, making it easy for the business to identify them. Better yet, when the customer arrives, they can press the “I’m Here” button on their receipt to alert the business that they have arrived to pickup their order!
Delivery Management
Even businesses that do not traditionally offer delivery services are needing to consider it in order to service their customers. e|tab allows businesses to outline customer delivery zones, minimum order amounts for delivery orders, and delivery fee structures to help support their delivery efforts.
Testimonial: Priority Agent Success Story
Priority is structured for Agent Success! Check out this Agent Success Story with e|tab Online Ordering.
Anthony Deberry
Deberry Processing Solutions
“We created our agency to be more than just merchant card processing. Priority has many products and services that help to provide a diversified revenue stream for both agents and merchants alike. There is tremendous competition in merchant card processing for the typical brick and mortar business, and e|tab allows us to support our merchants with a modern tool that greatly benefits them. Now that more restaurant owners are seeing the true cost of third-party delivery services, an in-house carryout and/or delivery service like e|tab becomes very attractive.”
“We have used these unprecedented times to offer free consulting for our restaurant merchants. Through this initiative we have identified some key gaps in our merchants’ businesses that we were able to bridge using e|tab as a solution. Consequently, one major benefit from this endeavor is we have been able to help a number of our clients provide in-house delivery services, in addition to the e|tab carryout business we already implemented for them!”
“e|tab has been a lifeline for our restaurant clients, giving them the ability to stay open and maintain profitability during these difficult economic times. Businesses are finding that e|tab is a great solution for their online and brick and mortar shops, offering dynamic restaurant solutions in an ever-evolving industry.”