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Make Payments Profitable. It’s Easy to Get Started with Priority CPX.

January 15, 2020, B2B Payments, CPX | Blogs, Information Sheets | Banks and FIs, Finance Professionals, ISOs, ISVs, Merchants

Priority CPX is the streamlined integrated payables solution that:

  • Works with your current ERP
  • Processes all of your payment types from a single payment instruction file
  • Drives discounts, rebates and incentives back to your organization

Our experienced and best-in-class, consultative supplier activation team makes it both simple and strategic to optimize your spend.

Get Ready:

  • Mutual non-disclosure agreement. Execute a simple MNDA so we can discuss your organization’s needs, goals and objectives to ensure alignment and understanding.
  • Supplier spend file. Share your spend file so Priority can deliver a detailed analysis and customized payment strategy that is best suited for your organization and your suppliers.

See how much you can save and earn. Receive a complimentary spend analysis from Priority CPX today!

Get Set:

  • CPX Services agreement. Confirm alignment on the recommended strategy and execute the CPX agreement.
  • Single payment instruction file (PIF). Use the dynamic CPX file mapper to create a custom PIF for your organization in 5 minutes!
  • Supplier activation and outreach campaign. Review and approve endorsement letters for your suppliers and identify sensitive suppliers to omit from the activation campaign.


  • Start automating payments and earning rebates. Time is money! The sooner you start the faster your organization will profit from Priority CPX.

Download our infographic here.

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