Careers in Construction: Encouraging The Younger Ones

The goal is to create nationwide awareness of career opportunities in construction, reaching out to young generations in an effort to showcase the industry.
Build a Career
October 2021 sets the 9th annual celebration in which several organizations around the country celebrate CICM in different ways, the goal however remains the same: Attract young generations into building a professional career in construction.
An 18-month long pandemic has been an unfriendly reminder of the ongoing skilled labor shortage our industry has experienced over the past 10 years. Institutions such as AGC are getting the word out to schools around the country about the urgent need for skilled personnel, schools are creating programs that encourage students to opt for careers in construction, there are two types of careers avenues: the ones that require a college education and the ones that do not, both count with competitive paychecks, but if you’ve been in the industry for long enough, you know the base of the skilled labor shortage has nothing to do with money.
Building a pipeline of new talent in construction is not about the salary, is about the misconception around construction work that continues to marginalize the industry, narrowing its demographics every year and leaving the industry to survive without a skilled workforce. There are several generational gaps that play an important role here and the one that stands out the most to me is an absolute contradiction to the statement ‘’Young folks don’t want jobs, they want lives,’’ think about it, Construction is one of the few industries that requires only the will to succeed in order to actually succeed. The calling for new generations should be maneuvered around company culture and the overall work environment. This is a month to celebrate our industry and remove the neverending list of misconceptions around construction workers, it’s an opportunity to display a renovated company culture around values that will attract the new generations.

Open Contests – CICM 2021
Explore Careers in Construction Find your fit in the industry
I Built This! Contest Showcase your construction craft building project in this BYF annual contest.
Smash the Stereotypes TikTok Challenge NAHB Student Chapters challenges educators, students, and professionals in residential construction and skilled crafts to change the misconceptions of our industry that still persists.