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How to Make Investing in Real Estate Easier

December 3, 2019
LandlordStation | Blogs | Property Owners & Landlords

You may be looking to buy your first rental property or just the newest one to add to your portfolio, but when it comes to sinking money into an investment you will want to make sure that you make the best choices available to you.

  • Know How to Break into Real Estate – When you first start looking into investing in real estate you will need to make sure that you understand it. Set your goals and expectations accordingly.
  • Lining Up Financing – The two main options for funding your next real estate investment will usually boil down to taking out a loan or using cash to fund the investment. Like with most things, there are pros and cons with either direction that you take.
  • Crowdfunding – While the two main options for financing are usually a loan or cash, there’s a new trend that has popped up amongst real estate investors.
  • Low Cash Options – You may think that you’ll need quite a bit of cash to be able to get into the real estate business. This is not always the case.
  • Top 4 Mistakes – You can have all of your financing set up, but you will lose money if you don’t watch out for these top four mistakes that many new investors make when they buy a rental property.
  • Passive Income – While being a landlord isn’t necessarily an easy job, it is considered a passive income because you are, many times, earning an income even though you are not actively working on the property.


  • Residential vs Mortgages Geared Towards Rentals – Some people become landlords out of necessity rather than going out and buying a property with the intent to rent it out. If you have inherited the property or you are renting your home rather than selling it, make sure that your current mortgage allows you to rent to the property out.
  • Where to find a Mortgage for a Rental – Finding the right type of mortgage is important when you are looking to finance your investment, otherwise it may fall through last second.
  • Requirements for a Mortgage – When you are making a bid for your next rental property you will want to move quickly so that you do not lose out on a good deal. Understanding what will be considered during an application for a mortgage will help.